Not forsaking the gathering together
Recent " Dear Network" messages.
Dear Network,
Clearing the Road to the Kingdom ? #87
What Jesus Christ and the apostles intend to do, were doing, and what we say
we are doing is well documented.
How we see that message is also well documented at HHC.
The writings should be clear... to all.
They are well researched and examined by legal minds other than ours and
offered for free.
The problem is finding doers. The internet is filled with spectators... The network was set up by us to find doers and help them come together as doers.
As you heard me say we can find people who want to be free but not people steeped enough in the virtues of Christ to want others to be free as much if not more.
We will always be plagued with people who do not want to obey the government of the world. The problem is most of them do not want to obey God either.
They are not governed by God in their heart and their mind but by the image of God they create in their minds.
The question who knows God and who lives an illusion.
Eventually those who make no effort to connect with others on these groups
will be removed. For the next few months we will try to make the network real and viable and not dependent on the internet.
There are some who have joined these groups just to expand their own agenda and actual oppose what we are doing either directly or through apathy.
Mostly this is due to people who are willing to believe anything that means they get what they want....
We are here seeking what we believe Christ wants.
That may be our opinion but those who do not agree or share that opinion with us may go their own way.
These forums are for those following and working in the same direction and
path laid out from the beginning.
We would love to hear what you think the network needs or how we can improve
the flesh and blood activity found on some groups but void on others.
Some form of participation will be required.
Contact or elect your Personal Contact ministers to help us hash this out and help form the network into what it will need to be in order to do and accomplish the work of the first century Church...
Gregory Message 87
Dear Network, Message 87.1
This internet Network is a doorway to forming a working relationships of faith in a Living Network.
Some people think by joining these network email groups that they are joining HHC.
They are not.
These Network group have a purpose and a function and if you join them it is assumed you want to be a part of the Living Network and not just another email group.
These groups are not news groups, debate teams, churches or even congregations.
They are email groups set up by HHC for particular purpose and to help people who want to be a part of a Living Network accomplish certain goals.
See Guidelines and Purpose
The Living Network groups.
Many smaller email groups on the internet require active participation or members will be removed from the group. There are a number of reasons for this and they all may apply here. We are dealing with thousands of email, many groups and domains, funded and supported by voluntarism filtering through our system. We are not supported by advertising.
While they are work groups for people desiring to build this HHC Living Network we do have many other groups and Newsletters for people which require no participation.[SEE BELLOW].
These Network groups make it possible to be a part of a network by picking a Personal Contact Minister.
This picking of a PCM allows a real network to form where people may help people. As we have explained it is simply a way to create opportunities to choose to help if a need arises. There is no obligation or dues, or gymnastics required, simply participation in a living network. It is a rather painless process.
How do I elect a Personal Contact Minister
Contact Minister Election Form
Who are the Personal Contact Ministers
Some of the Local Contact Ministers
Just to be on an email group is not the purpose... We need your participation and We need more volunteers on each group. It is not a hard job but it is an important one. contact me or an existing contact minister for more information.
The more each PCM gets to know you and the other PCMs the better they can fulfill their roll in the living network. This is why PCMs are on another group too. I can contact one PCM and they can contact other PCM which have individual lists of people that can help anywhere in the country. The list is not a central database but a network. They do not give out that information to just anyone. They are equally interested in protecting those who need and those who offer assistance.
Eventually picking a Personal Contact Minister is required on this Network group to fulfill its purpose. We understand that this takes time and those Personal Contact Ministers may change.
We hope this will lead to congregations of record which are automatically part of the network even if most members in a congregation are not on the email groups. They do not need to be. Their minister is their personal contact minister. There are special benefits for those who form Congregations of Record and we hope those benefits grow.
I am sorry that some people misunderstood what the network is about or how it works but there are written instructions.
Over the next few months we will be working to get everyone on the network connected and multiple Contact ministers on every group.
Those who do not wish to participate they may join some of the other groups listed below.
Jesus required many things of His ministers and even of the people.
Yes they had to believe but they also had to be "doers".
Faith without works is dead.
These groups are work groups requiring team effort.
In His Service,
OTHER GROUPS which require no participation.
Yahoo groups Have searchable archives and are more open or public
theekklesiachurch general discussion group
Or go to the respective webpage:
theekklesiaprep preparation for independent living.. skills etc
Or go to the respective webpage:
theekklesiahealth health issues
Or go to the respective webpage:
Join the Kingdom Newsletter and get updates and anouncements
The Living Network Links
You cannot love your neighbor in truth if you do not know who he is.
Join the Living Network and become a part of the solution

Living Network Index page:
Find and JOIN your Local Living Network
The American States and Canada
Find a local group World Map Locator:
Find a local Living Network Group around the world
Mapping the Network
A project of the chosen Contact Ministers
Guidelines and Purpose
The Living Network groups.
Dear Network Messages
Some messages to the Living Network groups.
Articles on Networking
Fractal Networking
When Jesus was preaching the Kingdom of God at hand He talked about a mustard seed that could grow by faith into a mighty tree providing life and shelter for all who seek its branches.
The Purpose and Guidelines of Local groups
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20
The purpose of the network is to bring people together to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
The Audacity of Hope
There are numerous institutions that may be created based on faith, hope and charity that can aid us on the road to the Kingdom and the righteousness of God.
The Kingdom News go out over the network through out google groups which us the beginning of the The NetworkThe Living Network which is established by forming the Network of tens on free assemblies.
Seek the liberty which we have in Christ Jesus.
[10] Galatians 2:4 "And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:"